An Enterprise by Jain & Siddiquie

Pricing for AMIE Exams

Study Material for AMIE Exams

₹   800/-*
  • * per subject for section A (for Section B, ₹ 1000 per subject)
  • Strictly as per AMIE syllabus
  • Printed course divided into modules
  • AMIE questions in assignment with answers
  • No text book study required
  • Course also available in Hindi (Section A)
  • Online support includes
  • Previous AMIE question papers
  • Online objective questions from AMIE exams
  • Model test papers
  • Digital library (over 500 books)
  • Video Lectures from best sources

Section B Registration with study material for AMIE exams

  • Accelerated registration process
  • All formalities will be done by us
  • Printed course of four subjects of Section B will also be given
  • AMIE questions in assignment with answers
  • No text book study required
  • Online support includes
  • Previous AMIE question papers
  • Online objective questions from AMIE exams
  • Model test papers
  • Digital library (over 500 books)
  • Video Lectures from best sources

An Enterprise by Jain & Siddiquie