An Enterprise by Jain & Siddiquie

Group Study Method for AMIE Aspirants

Happiness is....Group Studies!

Spending a little time revising with your self-help group can be very productive. This involves all parties having read the appropriate material and then discussing the key points and likely exam questions. 

Being a working aspirant, you may argue that forming a study group is difficult for me. But trust me, you can do so. Just find out a number of persons in your company doing AMIE in same branch or in Section A and then form a study group. Give it a try.

Advantages of study group are following:

- Competition in group gives you a driving force to study hard for AMIE exams 

It breaks the monotony and isolation of revising alone. 

- You can learn a great deal through hearing the views of others. This often sparks off ideas that neither party had previously thought about.

- It provides valuable moral support at a time when there is a danger of anxiety rearing its head again.

- It helps promote the process of understanding rather than simply revising facts.

- Remember though, the emphasis must be on equal contributions by all involved, so everyone must come to the sessions well prepared.

- Your time is valuable at this stage, so these meetings must be made to work well. An ideal number for such a group is you plus one to three others and you should meet regularly for say, an hour or so.

So, form a study group and go ahead for your AMIE studies with the help of study material by AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee.


An Enterprise by Jain & Siddiquie