An Enterprise by Jain & Siddiquie

AMIE Exam Form

Information about AMIE Exam Form

  • MEMBERSHIP NUMBER. Apply only if you have got your membership number.
  • EXAM FEE. Exam fee is Rs. 3000/-. 
  • NUMBER OF SUBJECT TO FILL IN EXAM FORM. You may fill max of four subjects in AMIE exam form.
  • INFORMATION ON EXAM FEE. Read information on exam fee.

Online AMIE Exam Form

  • Go to SIGN IN
  • Select Examination Section
  • Go to Examination Application
  • Fill in details and click Pay Now.
  • Take screenshot of the screen or take a snap with your camera.
  • If you are facing difficulties in sending online exam form then please send an email to to refresh your account.

Exam Form Receipt Notification

You will not get any letter at your home address regarding acceptance of exam form. However, you may get an sms (but not always).  

Roll number/admit card generally appear on website or about two weeks before start of exams.

Selection Of Subjects In Exam Form

You can select any four subjects in one semester while filling exam form. Select subjects judiciously. First see exam scheme. Order of subjects is fixed. So, select subjects in such a manner to get atleast one day gap in between so that you can revise well.

Documents To Be Enclosed With AMIE Exam Form

Not a single one except Demand draft (if you are sending form by post).

Keep a Xerox of completed form and DD.

Send exam form preferably by speed post (as it can be tracked) not by courier service.

Applying For Section B Registration And AMIE Exam Form Simultaneously After AMIE Result

If you have passed Section A completely then you can download Section B registration form from IEI website and send it to IEI after completing it with requisite fee. You may also join Section B registration package from AMIE(I) Study Circle, Roorkee. Third option is, wait for registration form to come from IEI and then send it to IEI.

You can also send exam form at the same time.

I want to apply exam form online but after login my account , "Examination" option is not showing. What to do now?

Remember, you have to opt for Examination (and not membership) while signing up. It seems that you opted "membership" at that time. 

Please request to reset your account giving your mobile number and email id. You would get an email response. After that, sign up again, but don't forget to choose "examination" instead of "membership".