Cracking the SSC-JE exam has become quite challenging in recent times. The days when only diploma holders took the SSC-JE exam are long gone. Nowadays, BTech graduates also participate in this widely recognized exam, which has led to an increase in its difficulty level. Recognizing this trend, we’ve introduced an MCQ bundle designed to include questions across various difficulty levels. To ensure comprehensive preparation, we’ve incorporated MCQs from prominent exams such as SSC-JE, GATE, PSU, and ESE. With this course, you can enhance your chances of succeeding and emerging victorious.
The Course
It is a bundle of thousands of MCQs (technical) with solutions from SSC-JE, PSU, GATE and ESE exams. (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering).
The course is also suitable for A.E. level exams.
Questions from latest exams are included with solutions.
Each module is divided into:
- Warm up questions with solutions
- SSC-JE exam questions with solutions
- GATE exam questions with solutions
- ESE exam questions with solutions
Presently we are offering this MCQ bundle in three core engineering branches:
- Civil Engineering (Over 6000 solved MCQs in 14 modules)
- Electrical Engineering (Over solved 4000 MCQs in 12 modules)
- Mechanical Engineering (Over solved 4500 MCQs in 11 modules)
The course is prepared by the scholars and retired faculty form IIR, Roorkee.
Sample Modules
You may see our samples modules before buying this course.
How to Pay
Please deposit the requisite fee of ₹1500/- by NEFT/UPI transfer in the following account:
Payee Name
AMIE(I) Study Circle
Punjab National Bank
B T Ganj, Roorkee
Current Acc No.
IFSC code
Send Online form
After the payment of the fee, please send an online form.
Despatch of MCQ bundle
The MCQ bundle will be sent within 3 days after receiving the payment. The Despatch of course material will be by registered parcel.