B Tech for Working Professionals (Engineering)

As per the Latest AICTE guidelines for working engineers


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Why did AICTE decided to start B Tech courses in engineering colleges?

Rajiv Kumar, member secretary, ACITE, says, “The concept of providing working professionals academic qualifications, goes back to the pre-Independence era. Previously, most working professionals appeared for the Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (AMIE) certification exam conducted by the Institution of Engineers (India). These certifications were government-approved and were equivalent to either an Engineering diploma or degree. In the course of time, many professional societies mushroomed that claimed to provide similar certifications. Since questions were raised about the quality of education imparted at these societies, the Ministry of Education (HRD ministry at that time) in 2013 withdrew the equivalence of these qualifications in all professional societies. Since working professionals had no means to upgrade their professional qualifications, the AICTE issued a circular a couple of years ago that institutes within the sanctioned intake, can admit working professionals and conduct classes as per a flexible schedule though the degree will be provided in the regular mode.” 

After completing a diploma and entering the workforce, many of these professionals encounter a point of stagnation in their career without an advanced degree. Having a bachelor’s degree would unlock various opportunities for them.

What are the latest guidelines for B Tech for working engineers?

The latest guidelines are available at this link.

How many programmes are there in each engineering college and how many seats are allowed in each program?

A maximum of three programs will be approved by AICTE per institute with an approved intake of 30/60 seats each (Supernumerary* in nature). The minimum admission required to run the course is 1/3 of the Approved Intake in each course. For example, if in any engineering college, there are 30 seats for one course then the course will be conducted if a minimum of 10 seats are filled.

* Supernumerary seats” means Intake over and above the “Approved Intake” which includes TFW, OCI / Foreign Nationals/ Children of Indian Workers in the Gulf Countries, Lateral Entry, PwBD, Kashmiri Migrants and PM-USPY seats notified from time to time and for working professionals.

What is the eligibility for this B Tech programme?

- Professionals working in Registered Industry or Organization (Central/State) or Private/Public Limited Companies or MSMEs located within 50 KM radial distance from the Institute.

- Minimum of ONE Year Full time or Regular Working Experience.

-  Qualifications* are given below:

Passed Minimum THREE years / TWO years (Lateral Entry) Diploma examination with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in ANY branch of Engineering and Technology.


Passed B.Sc. Degree from a recognized University as defined by UGC, with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) and passed 10+2 examination with Mathematics as a subject.


Passed B.Voc/3-year D.Voc. Stream in the same or allied sector.

(The Universities will offer suitable bridge courses such as Mathematics, Physics, Engineering drawing, etc., for the students coming from diverse backgrounds to achieve the desired learning outcomes of the programme)

*As Specified in the Approval Process Handbook (Page 104) published by AICTE from time to time.

Can I do B Tech in another branch as an additional degree?

Yes, you can. Admission of B. Tech/B E graduates, in other branches of Engineering as an additional degree through Lateral Entry will be facilitated by the respective Technical Universities by allowing them to take admission at the appropriate level of B. Tech/B.E. discipline/branch of Engineering. [Refer AICTE circular No. F.No. AICTE/P&AP/Misc/2020 dated 09.08.2021].

What is the fee per semester?

Different colleges have different fee structures. The average fee per semester is ₹ 35000 - 40,000.

In which year a diploma pass-out student will get admission?

A diploma engineer will get admission in the second year (third semester). This is called lateral entry.

can fresh diploma students apply for this B Tech programme?

No. Minimum of ONE Year Full time/Regular working Experience is required.

Should the student get permission from his employer to carry on this program?

Yes. The institute should obtain an undertaking from the employer declaring that the applicant is an employee of the firm.

What are the academic requirements?

- Total Credits as specified in the AICTE Model Curriculum (or) Affiliating University are required to be earned for getting the Degree

- Syllabus shall be the same as applicable to regular students.

- As per the AICTE Regulation up to 40% of credit transfer is permitted through MOOCs/SWAYAM. 

- Examination shall be the same as the regular students

What is the Mode of Admission or Admission Policy?

The institute can devise a transparent mechanism for shortlisting the eligible candidates in a highly transparent manner based on Merit of the Qualifying Examination.

Reservation Policy of the respective State/UT is applicable. However, One Seat in Every Institute Shall be Reserved for Candidates working in Central Government Organizations / Industries /Companies / Autonomous Organizations purely on MERIT Basis. In the absence of any such Candidates, the vacant seat may be transferred to General Category.

Can a student be admitted to an engineering college in another state?

If any seats are vacant after the last round, candidates from other States/UTs may also be considered for admission, if they reside within a 50 KM radial distance from the institute.

Is it true that AICTE does not permit Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Online Courses in Engineering and also certain courses in Management?

Yes, this is true. As per the latest AICTE notification AICTE does not permit Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Online Courses in Diploma/Degree/Post Graduate Degree in Engineering and Technology, Planning, Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Applied Arts and Crafts and Design.

Is the syllabus for B Tech for working professionals the same?

It seems in all probability, the syllabus for regular B Tech and B Tech for working professionals would remain the same and also the semester-wise schedule.

I went to a nearby engineering college for admission and they are offering me admission in regular mode. Should I go for it?

No, you should not. Not every college is entitled to commence B Tech for working professionals (engineering). For this, Institutions having more than 80% average enrollment in the last 3 years can start this course for working professionals. Only reputed engineering colleges can fulfil such a condition. So ignore smaller and unpopular engineering colleges to take admission.

Always carry a pdf/print of the guidelines for working professionals (engineers) when you visit an engineering college (in a 50 km radius) for admission in "working professional (engineering)" mode. Never take admission in "regular mode", for it may cause enormous problems in the future such as, in promotions.

Does AICTE provide model question papers?

Yes, they do. You may download model question papers for B Tech for working professionals

Will you provide study material for B Tech for working aspirants?

We have been providing study material for AMIE exams since 1994. You know that AMIE is an engineering exam which is only for working professionals. Now, that AICTE has declared its own B Tech program for working professionals, it is quite natural for us to step in and provide courseware for these programs also.

Why should a working professional need your course? Why not a book?

Well, this a very interesting question. You know, generally, a book covers the syllabus in a generalized form, is not updated regularly and does not include the latest questions from B Tech exams. Books are static but our notes are dynamic. Our study material is updated in real-time as these are offered in hybrid mode (offline + online). Books are not focused on important topics and trends of B Tech Exams. They also include surplus content which is not needed to be unimportant. So, you have to put extra effort into making notes from the book to make it useful for your purpose. In this process, you waste your precious time.

The novelty of our course is that it is focused. Focused on B tech Exams and not any trivia or surplus material. 

Why is your course best for working professionals?

A working professional can spare little time for preparation on the job. Keeping this fact in mind, we have designed our course in a compact form. A minimum of two hours of study of our course will help you get good grades in B Tech exams. 

Our study material will cover the syllabus recommended by AICTE and also from prominent technical universities like AKTU, BPTU, GTU, JNTU, PTU, UTU, KU, KTU, RTU, RGPV, VTU and many other reputed universities.

Would I need textbooks while preparing from your notes?

As far as studying for B Tech is concerned, textbooks always create a lot of confusion being generic. The novelty of our course is that it is focused. Focused on B Tech Exams - The entire syllabus covered covering most important parts to ensure high grades. That is why our preparatory course is better than books as far as B Tech exams are concerned.