An Enterprise by Jain & Siddiquie

Recognition of AMIE Exams

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get all AMIE recognition letters at one place?

Yes, you can. The Institution has recently published a compendium of recognition letters for AMIE (Sections A & B Examinations) containing the scores of letters received from various establishments, viz, MHRD, AICTE, IITs, UPSC, UGC, IIMs, Bar Council of India, universities, public and private sector undertakings, State Govt. undertakings, foreign universities, professional societies in India and abroad, GATE Examination, NARIC, UK, etc.

Interested Corporate members, passouts of Sections A & B Examinations and others can send their request for a copy of the Compendium, enclosing a demand draft of ₹ 500/- to the Director (EEA), The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020, mentioning their membership number, mobile number, e-mail id and complete mailing address. On receipt of such request, a copy of the Compendium will be sent by speed  post/courier/registered post. 

I am not interested in compendium of recgnition letters. Can I just see recognition letters?

You may download all recognition letters at one place from this link.

What about the case fought among IEI, AICTE and MHRD?

The case is being fought among above mentioned parties in Delhi High Court. High Court had directed that OM dated 6.12.2012 qua the petitioners only with respect to the deadline of 31.5.2013 shall remain stayed till the next date and further admissions which are to be made would be subject to final orders, which may be passed in the writ petition.  

You can also read a message by IEI president in this regard.

I want to see details of this case. Please share me these details.

You may see details of this case here.

I want to track progress. How can I do so?

IEI vs. Union of India (W.P.(C) 3790/2013 in Delhi High Court)

Track progress

Orders/Judgements on AMIE recognition case number W.P.(C)3790/2013

How can I get Application for no objection/equivalence certificate?

Just download this form and send it to IEI with requisite fee.

Please share me contact details of IEI regarding this issue.

You may visit this webpage for IEI contact details.


An Enterprise by Jain & Siddiquie